Wrinkle relaxing injections
The most common question we are asked during a skin consultation is how to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It is often one of the first signs of ageing we see on the skin and it can cause considerable concern for patients.
Wrinkle relaxing injections are a quick and efficient way to reduce the appearance of lines by the use of a prescription medication - Botox, which relaxes the muscle and smooths out the skin.
Our doctor and nurse team are highly experienced in using botox injections to achieve a natural and rejuvenated look, without over treating to leave the face looking “frozen”.
Treatment Areas:
Forehead lines, Frown lines, Crow’s feet, Eyebrow lift, Jaw line, Lip flip (gummy smile), Neck lines, Bunny lines, Marionette lines, Chin dimples, Teeth grinding, Headaches
What products are used: Botox by Allergan or Bocouture
How long will results last? Usually around 3 - 5 months, depending on the patient.